Cast34 Agency

Cast34 provides theater, stage, series film, commercials and trainings that you can improve yourself in many subjects.

Cast34 Agency is a company who wants to work with disciplined and friendly team with disciplined and friendly team. It is a company that serves 7/24 customers by giving importance to society values. .

Cast34 Agency Address: Old Ottoman Sk No: 10 Mecidiyekoy-istanbul

Phone: 0212 288 09 74

fax: 0212 288 09 75

email: [email protected]

web Sitesi :

Cast34 Agency Company information is provided for general purposes. To take part in TV series or participate in casting auditions, you can apply to casting agencies or apply to the relevant page of production companies. If you are an official at Cast34 Agency company you can apply for any changes to the information on this page . Other casting agencies and producers You can return to the home page to see the list.

TV Actresses

ozge Sezince ozge Sezince "Sea" Heartfelt
Asu Maralman Asu Maralman "Virtue" Price
Sebnem Donmez Sebnem Donmez "Sude Beylice" Medcezir
Yonca Cevher Yonca Cevher I Can Never Give Up
Gonca Sariyildiz Gonca Sariyildiz "Zeynep-Esma" My other half
Seray Kaya Seray Kaya "Miray" My husband's family