Family Agency

In 2013-2014, Family Agency, which was selected as the most reliable agency by Sakıp Sabancı University Media Club, won 13 awards in 13 years.

Take the records of the rating, the production of many famous series producing Family Agency is preparing to mark the new series. Today's Palace, Fatih Harbiye, Revenge, Children Don't Hear, Valley of the Wolves, I still have hope, Medcezir, Heart Thief, Sevdaluk under the signature of many successful series. Kurt Seyit and Shura produced the series.

Family Agency, except for the cinema and TV series films, many commercials, colum shows, TV programs and clips `produces.

Family Agency Address

Cevizlik Mahallesi Ebuzziya Cad. Kartopu Sok. No: 9/2


Phone: 0212 570 74 05 (PBX)

0212 570 74 93

web Sitesi :

Family Agency Company information is provided for general purposes. To take part in TV series or participate in casting auditions, you can apply to casting agencies or apply to the relevant page of production companies. If you are an official at Family Agency company you can apply for any changes to the information on this page . Other casting agencies and producers You can return to the home page to see the list.

TV Actresses

Esra Dermancioglu Esra Dermancioglu "Sula" Sparrow palace
Pelin Akil Pelin Akil "Zeynep Gevher" Red Apple
Gozde Cigaci Gozde Cigaci "Sureyya" The courtiers of today
Lalizer Kemaloglu Lalizer Kemaloglu "Sultaniye" Dance of Roman
Zerrin Sumer Zerrin Sumer Olive Hill
Nurgul Yesilcay Nurgul Yesilcay "Gulseren" Shattered