Pana Film

Pana Film is a company that creates a big voice with the Valley of the Wolves since its first year.

Pana Film, which was established in 2004, has a technical team and technique above Turkey Standards. It is a company that takes into account all kinds of convenience of the players. The more comfortable and peaceful it is The believer thinks as much as his players in his team.

Pana Film is a company that has its own studio. They perform all their works such as assembly, fiction, dubbing in Studio.

Pana Film Company information is provided for general purposes. To take part in TV series or participate in casting auditions, you can apply to casting agencies or apply to the relevant page of production companies. If you are an official at Pana Film company you can apply for any changes to the information on this page . Other casting agencies and producers You can return to the home page to see the list.

TV Actresses

Asu Maralman Asu Maralman "Virtue" Price
Melike ipek Yalova Melike ipek Yalova "Ayten Alev" Black