My other half Series / Actors and Plot
My other half Plot of the TV Series
Eda Tezcan and Gulbike Sonay `s scenario, directed by Veli Celik` s new season of the new season of the new series of the new series of the new series of the new series `s experienced and talented players are experienced and talented players. Tucuoglu, Orhan Kilic Goca Sariyeldiz and Nevra Serezli, Sait Guney.
Ipek Tuzcuoglu (Mary), Orhan Kilic (Ecevit), Gonca Sariyildiz (Zeynep-Esma), Nevra Serezli (Zeynep Hanim), Sait Guney (Dursun Dede). Meryem and Ecevit have different cultures, despite different lifestyles, they marry. This marriage becomes twin girls in Zeynep and Esma Ismin. Esma stayed with her mother. Esma stayed with her mother. The twin brothers who have to grow in two different form and two different cultures, somehow encounter each other in Istanbul and learn the truth.
The Gemini who learns the truth, even though they have a very opposite structure than each other, their mother and father will do their best to reunite. , Alican Albayrak, Canan Maktal, Somer Kavran`s
My other half TV Series Actors
My other half Cast list (My other half cast ekibi)