Barakuda movie

In 2010, his first feature film was his first release with Wow Friend Cinema.

The series of 8 Emmy Award -winning Monk Series with the adaptation of the Turkish version of the Barakuda Film Teb Bank and Avea Viral Advertising Film is also produced.

Barakuda Movie

Address: Lily Sk No: 13 3.levent/Istanbul

Phone: 0212 278 70 05

fax: 0212 278 70 03

web Sitesi :

Barakuda movie Company information is provided for general purposes. To take part in TV series or participate in casting auditions, you can apply to casting agencies or apply to the relevant page of production companies. If you are an official at Barakuda movie company you can apply for any changes to the information on this page . Other casting agencies and producers You can return to the home page to see the list.

TV Actresses

Sahika Koldemir Sahika Koldemir "Naciye" Seven beautiful man
Perran Kutman Perran Kutman "Neriman" Ah Neriman
ilayda Cevik ilayda Cevik "Maya Smoggling" Black Rose
Elif Ceren Balikci Elif Ceren Balikci "Cherry" Migration time
Begum Fil Begum Fil Deposit
Ceren Hindistan Ceren Hindistan "Coy" It is not escaped from love