Endemol Turkiye

Endemol is a production company established in 1994. Endemol Shine is operating around the world.

Endemol Shine Group is a whole of a production/broadcasting companies that serve worldwide. There are branches in different countries.

Address : Levent Mahallesi Karanfil Street Morkaranfil Street No: 1 34200 Levent - Besiktas/istanbul

e-mail : [email protected]

telephone : 0 212 287 00 50

fax : 0 212 287 00 51

web Sitesi : http://site.endemol.com.tr

Endemol Turkiye Company information is provided for general purposes. To take part in TV series or participate in casting auditions, you can apply to casting agencies or apply to the relevant page of production companies. If you are an official at Endemol Turkiye company you can apply for any changes to the information on this page . Other casting agencies and producers You can return to the home page to see the list.

TV Actresses

Onuryay  Evrentan Onuryay Evrentan "Value" Forbidden
Buket Dereoglu Buket Dereoglu "Munevver" Forbidden
Gokce Akyildiz Gokce Akyildiz "Original" Fatih Harbiye
Emel Muftuoglu Emel Muftuoglu "Idyll" Children should not hear
Feyza Civelek Feyza Civelek "Flower" War of the Roses
Suzan Kardes Suzan Kardes If we leave, we are together