Date of birth :1 January 1980 Age :45Place of Birth : Zodiac Sign : Oğlak Length :185 cm

TV Series Actor Caner Cindoruk Life

Caner Cindoruk was born on January 1, 1980. He completed his life as a graduate of the theater department of Cukurova University State Conservatory. Handsome actor had his first acting experience in 2006 with his Beynelmilel. series and feature films, He took part in the film 2006 in the Film Film.
He played the role of Doctor Nazmi in the Film Film 2008.
2007 Black Sun (Alisir)
2008 Late Bahar Ali played the role of Ali.
2008 Butterfly (Yusuf)
2011 desertion (rare)
2012 Farewell Katya (Veli)
2012 Rhinus season
2012 Foreign Fethat
2013 Love under fire
Binnur Kaya and Ugur Yucel shared the starring roles in 2013 in 2013.

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Caner Cindoruk ; Age, Place of birth, zodiac sign, Date of birth, Length Caner Cindoruk : Who is, how old, what is the date of birth, how much of weighs, height, zodiac sign, biography, where is from, how old today, the TV series which starred in, Connected agency, how much weighs, does have a girlfriend? boyfriend? it`s all here. (1980-01-01)

Male Actors and Players

Murat Eken Murat Eken "My wisdom friend" My ancient friend
Serdar ozer Serdar ozer "Maxut" The day my destiny was written
Gokhan Azlag Gokhan Azlag "Life" Black box
Mertcan Sevimli Mertcan Sevimli "Rasim Ozdenoren" Seven beautiful man
Emre Altug Emre Altug "Intellectual" Hotel Divane
Denizhan Kinacigil Denizhan Kinacigil "Hope" My husband's family