Date of birth :1 January 1992 Age :32Place of Birth :İstanbul Zodiac Sign : Oğlak Length :170 cm

TV Series Actor Deniz ozlem Durmaz Life

Deniz Ozlem Durmaz was born in 1992. He completed his life as a graduate of Gazi University. Young actress has played a role in many children's theater and has a great talent in this regard. The young actress also attracts all the attention with its similarity to the famous Angelina Joliye. He played the character of Esra in. In 2014, the new season, which starts to be broadcasted as a daily series on Kanal D screens, gives life to Sema character in the series named Yazim.

Messages to Deniz ozlem Durmaz

avatar 40 halise You have a very nice role, even you are very beautiful, you are playing on this person, happiness
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Deniz ozlem Durmaz ; Age, Place of birth, zodiac sign, Date of birth, Length Deniz ozlem Durmaz : Who is, how old, what is the date of birth, how much of weighs, height, zodiac sign, biography, where is from, how old today, the TV series which starred in, Connected agency, how much weighs, does have a girlfriend? boyfriend? it`s all here. (1992-01-01)

TV Actresses

Feyza Isik Feyza Isik "Rosebahar" Elephant
Esin Civangil Esin Civangil "Sureyya" Heartfelt
Basak Akbay Basak Akbay starfish
Seher Terzi Seher Terzi "Destiny" Fatih Harbiye
Sanaya Irani Sanaya Irani "Khushi" A strange love
Goncagul Sunar Goncagul Sunar "Sukran Yorukhan" The day my destiny was written