Date of birth :22 June 1981 Age :43Place of Birth :Avustralya Zodiac Sign : Yengeç Length :188 cm

TV Series Actor Reshad Strik Life

Reshad Strik is one of the Bosnian players in 1981. He was born in Avustralia and has a Bosnian origin. He participated in the Drara Arts Academy and took special acting lessons in acting.2005-Blue Helerrs, 2005-Headland, 2007-Hills Have Eyes 2, 2007-new, 2009-yara , 2009-SPONER, 2010-LEAVING 3 APARTMENTS, 2010-2013 Stasis, 2013-Koy Cross Roads took part in productions.

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Reshad Strik ; Age, Place of birth, zodiac sign, Date of birth, Length Reshad Strik : Who is, how old, what is the date of birth, how much of weighs, height, zodiac sign, biography, where is from, how old today, the TV series which starred in, Connected agency, how much weighs, does have a girlfriend? boyfriend? it`s all here. (1981-06-22)

Male Actors and Players

Cahit Gok Cahit Gok "Kadir Bozoglu" I am Urfali from immemorial
Ali Barkin Burkan Ali Barkin Burkan "Corporal" Sefkattepe
Cantug Turay Cantug Turay starfish
Erman Koc Erman Koc "Rustu" Black box
Kenan imirzalioglu Kenan imirzalioglu "Mahir Kara" Black
Musab Ekici Musab Ekici "Mert" Emergency room