Date of birth :24 September 1992 Age :32Place of Birth :Hatay Zodiac Sign : Terazi Length :175 cm

TV Series Actor Riza UZUNKAYA Life

Riza Uzunkaya was born on 24 September 1992 in Hatay. Riza Uzunkaya, a graduate of Cumhuriyet University, Department of Environmental Engineering, received an acting training and basic acting trainings at the Reverans Art Center. Riza Uzunkaya took part in productions such as heart wound, my name angel.

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Riza UZUNKAYA ; Age, Place of birth, zodiac sign, Date of birth, Length Riza UZUNKAYA : Who is, how old, what is the date of birth, how much of weighs, height, zodiac sign, biography, where is from, how old today, the TV series which starred in, Connected agency, how much weighs, does have a girlfriend? boyfriend? it`s all here. (1992-09-24)

Male Actors and Players

Remzi Evren Remzi Evren "Abdurrahman" Black box
Engin Benli Engin Benli "Victory" Poyraz Karayel
Caner Kurtaran Caner Kurtaran "Ali Suavi" Ciragan Raid
Emre Altug Emre Altug "Intellectual" Hotel Divane
Caner Candarli Caner Candarli "Suat" Black box
Baris Bagci Baris Bagci "Clerk" Black box