Date of birth :13 September 1975 Age :49Place of Birth :İstanbul Zodiac Sign : Başak Length :180 cm

TV Series Actor Serkan Ercan Life

Serkan Ercan was born in Istanbul on 13 September 1975. The successful player who started the game in high school in a short time under the successful productions. He completed his life as a graduate of Istanbul University State Conservatory. 1997, Kaygizlar, Snake Story in 1999, Waterfall, which was released in 2001, took part in the popular series called an Istanbul Tale on ATV screens in 2003. It has played a role in the year of 2012 TRT 1 screens on February, which was published on February, the Commander -in -Chief has given life to the character of Arif.

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Serkan Ercan ; Age, Place of birth, zodiac sign, Date of birth, Length Serkan Ercan : Who is, how old, what is the date of birth, how much of weighs, height, zodiac sign, biography, where is from, how old today, the TV series which starred in, Connected agency, how much weighs, does have a girlfriend? boyfriend? it`s all here. (1975-09-13)

Male Actors and Players

Burak Yamanturk Burak Yamanturk "Nejat" Forbidden
Erkan Kolcak Kostendil Erkan Kolcak Kostendil "Karlos" Ulan istanbul
Cemal Aksakal Cemal Aksakal White clove
Birkan Sokullu Birkan Sokullu "Petro Borinsky" Kurt Seyit and Shura
Kadir Dogulu Kadir Dogulu "Macit" Fatih Harbiye
Aras Bulut iynemli Aras Bulut iynemli "Steep" Maral