Date of birth :2 December 1983 Age :42Place of Birth :Belçika Zodiac Sign : Yay Length :188 cm

TV Series Actor Tuna Tunali Life

Tuna Tunali was born in Belgium on December 2, 1983. He graduated from Yeditepe University Department of Radio and Television. The young actor who managed to be gained admiration of young women with his handsome as well as his success in his profession. FOX TV`s popular series of the starfish of the star of the star -star series of the handsome actor has a calm character in the series has a calm character. like this.

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Tuna Tunali ; Age, Place of birth, zodiac sign, Date of birth, Length Tuna Tunali : Who is, how old, what is the date of birth, how much of weighs, height, zodiac sign, biography, where is from, how old today, the TV series which starred in, Connected agency, how much weighs, does have a girlfriend? boyfriend? it`s all here. (1983-12-02)

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