Date of birth :19 May 1992 Age :33Place of Birth :Muğla Zodiac Sign : Boğa Length :178 cm

TV Series Actor Hilmicem intepe Life

Hilmicem was born in intepe Mugla and lived in Bodrum until the age of 18. Hilmicem, who started dancing as an amateur at the age of 15, learned everything without getting any help. At the age of 17, he enrolled in the Latin dance burial and received Turkiye's degrees in Salsa. He participated in the Turkiye contest and exhibited the dance ability and attracted the attention of the audience. In 2013, he went to Survivor Island and recognized by more people. Bodrum has proved to be successful in acting with the butterfly character in which he starred in the series Bodrum Tale.

Messages to Hilmicem intepe

avatar 14 FIRAT TiLKiCi soon you will know me, see you
avatar 6 Tulin Aydemir Hilmicem brother, I am very happy that I will see you in the survior
avatar 27 Guluzar Hilmicem meraba you are very talented player at the same time very sweet games very much, you are very close to you, thanks to the players like you, I want to be a player I want to meet you very much, I expect you to answer you with patience I love you hilmi cem
avatar 14 Tulin Aydemir Hilmicem brother, I love you cook Korfez come to Izmit, noolurs ❤
Hilmicem intepe write a message.
avatar 27



Hilmicem intepe ; Age, Place of birth, zodiac sign, Date of birth, Length Hilmicem intepe : Who is, how old, what is the date of birth, how much of weighs, height, zodiac sign, biography, where is from, how old today, the TV series which starred in, Connected agency, how much weighs, does have a girlfriend? boyfriend? it`s all here. (1992-05-19)

Male Actors and Players

Berk Ercer Berk Ercer "Ali" Price
Devrim Saltoglu Devrim Saltoglu Price
Emir Berke Zindici Emir Berke Zindici "Mehmet can" Little Agha
Kenan Coban Kenan Coban "Zulfu" White clove
Emin Gursoy Emin Gursoy "Hijab scissors" Now they think
Metin Cekmez Metin Cekmez "Ziya Yorukhan" The day my destiny was written