Girls of the Sun Series / Actors and Plot
Girls of the Sun Plot of the TV Series
Sun teacher, 35 -year -old teacher from Izmir is a lady. He lives with his 3 young daughters. Sun, a literary teacher, lives happily with his twin girls Nazli and Selin and Fairy. Selin and Nazli are 17 years old, fairy is 15 years old. Their appearance and characters are completely different because the girls are double egg twins.
In Istanbul, the sun meets Haluk Mertoglu one day businessman. Haluk Bey and Gunes Teacher fall in love with each other and Haluk quickly proposes to the Sun. The Sun is surprised at what to answer this sudden offer, nor does it know how to tell its daughters. When he hears the news, his daughter Nazli definitely opposes this marriage. Selin accepts and accepts that this marriage will be useful. The little girl fairy wants the best for her mother's happiness. No matter how much Nazli stands, the Sun and Haluk are determined to get married.
Girls of the Sun TV Series Actors
Girls of the Sun Cast list (Girls of the Sun cast ekibi)