Fugitive brides Series / Actors and Plot
Fugitive brides Plot of the TV Series
NTC Media `s produced and directed by Kerem Cakiroglu` s, the summer of the comedy series of the ambitious name of the new series of the new series of the new series of the new series of Acelya Topaloglu, Deniz Baysal, Furkan Andic, Firat Albayram and Selin Sekerci shares. The subject of the series is one of the three brides of the wedding table, the other is the wedding dress rehearsal, the other to escape from the wedding to come to Istanbul to come to the airport to come to the airport. `A escapes.
series, although comedy tastes in the taste of a production is not considered. No effort to find the men of the Life, how much effort, according to their moods will come face to face with the fact that their men will change and will be very surprised. other players Senay Gurler, Ege Aydan, Firat Altunmese, Cihan Yenici, Romina Ozipekci and Tugce Kilitac.
Fugitive brides TV Series Actors
Fugitive brides Cast list (Fugitive brides cast ekibi)