Seven beautiful man Series / Actors and Plot
Seven beautiful man Plot of the TV Series
In April 2014 TRT 1 screens, which began to be broadcast on the history of the literary history between 1950-1970, the stories of the seven poets who marked the history of the literary history. , Rasim Ozdenoren, Sait Zarifoglu, Alaeddin Ozdenoren, Ali Kutlay.
The leading actors of the Series Uraz Kaygilaroglu (Adil Erdem Bayazit), Baran Akbulut (Cahit Zarifoglu), Kemal Ucar (Nuri Pakdil), Mertcan Sevimli (Rasim Ozdenoren), Fatih Murat Teke (Sait Zarifoglu), Cagdas Tekin (Ali Kutlay ), Orhan Kanalp (Alaeddin Ozdenoren), Yildiz Cagri Atiksoy (Zehra), Kenan Bal (Necip Fazil Kisakurek) met with the audience. Engin Yuksel, Cengiz Tangor, Sema Sahingoz, Bora Cengiz, Mert Soldier.
Series' shooting is realized in Kahramanmaras. Even though he still feels something against Zehra, he is now engaged.
Seven beautiful man TV Series Actors
Seven beautiful man Cast list (Seven beautiful man cast ekibi)