Date of birth :1 July 1961 Age :63Place of Birth : Zodiac Sign : Yengeç Length :172 cm

TV Series Actor Sabri ozmener Life

Sabri Ozmener is born on July 1, 1961. He graduated from Hacette University State Conservatory and continues to act in Ankara State Theater. In 2013, the leading roles in Samanyolu TV Cagla Simsek, Orhan Simsek, Gozde Mukavelet `s shared in the Little Bride Series.

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Sabri ozmener ; Age, Place of birth, zodiac sign, Date of birth, Length Sabri ozmener : Who is, how old, what is the date of birth, how much of weighs, height, zodiac sign, biography, where is from, how old today, the TV series which starred in, Connected agency, how much weighs, does have a girlfriend? boyfriend? it`s all here. (1961-07-01)

Male Actors and Players

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