Turkish Male Actor - TV Series Actor. Page: 4

Information about male actors in TV series and handsome male TV series actors in Turkish TV series, detailed information about their height, age and birth. Information such as Actor`s zodiac signs, height and age, phone number etc.. Page: 4


Riza Uzunkaya was born on 24 September 1992 in Hatay. He graduated from Cumhuriyet University, Department of Environmental Engineering.
Turkish Actors

Feyyaz Serifoglu resimFeyyaz Serifoglu

Feyyaz Serifoglu, O Ses Turkey Competition & Quot; inci Tanem & Quot; participated in the song and achieved great success. Then & quot; He released a single album named.
Turkish Actors

Bilal Yigit Kocak resimBilal Yigit Kocak

Bilal is the first name of the player who is called Yigit Kocak in most sources. He became famous for Vine and then started acting.
Turkish Actors

Halit ozgur Sari resimHalit ozgur Sari

Halit Ozgur Sari was born in Istanbul. After graduating from high school, he studied at Istanbul Bilgi University Department of Economics. After graduating from high school, the famous actor received acting training. He started to take part in acting with
Turkish Actors

Mehmet Yilmaz Ak resimMehmet Yilmaz Ak

He received his undergraduate education at Kadir Has University Theater Department. Mehmet Yilmaz Ak, who also acting in many private theaters, wrote his fifth step in 2008.
Turkish Actors

Ugur Aslan resimUgur Aslan

Born in Hatay, the player grew up in Kumlu district. He is a graduate of Ankara University, Faculty of Language and History, Department of Theater Department.
Turkish Actors

Huseyin Avni Danyal resimHuseyin Avni Danyal

He played the character of Kenan in the film Fall. He is particularly known for his character Yalcin Bulut, who played in the Valley of the Wolves Ambush. Finally, the bandit has played the character of Tufan in the series Olmaz. Metin Kaya Ka in the Judi
Turkish Actors

Birand Tunca resimBirand Tunca

Birand Tunca was born in 1990 in Istanbul. He went to Mujdat Gezen Art Center for theater education. In 2014, he experienced his first acting experience with his Bismon character in the series Dirilis Ertugrul.
Turkish Actors

Mehmet Ozan Dolunay resimMehmet Ozan Dolunay

Mehmet Ozan Dolunay is a university mechanical engineering graduate. Who wants to be a millionaire in the competition called a competitor. Then he took part in the series as an actor.
Turkish Actors

Can Yaman resimCan Yaman

Can Yaman is known for his roles in his roles in the series Heart Works, Love and Hangimiz Sevmedik. He studied Italian High School and Yeditepe University Department of Law.
Turkish Actors

Hilmicem intepe resimHilmicem intepe

Hilmicem was born in intepe Mugla and lived in Bodrum until the age of 18. Hilmicem, who started to dance as an amateur at the age of 15, received Turkey's degrees in Salsa.
Turkish Actors

Alperen Duymaz resimAlperen Duymaz

Alperen Duymaz, who started to be known with the character of Ali, played in the series of love, will play the hearts of young girls with Bodrum Tale in the new season.
Turkish Actors

Alperen Khamis resimAlperen Khamis

When he started his acting career with the character of concrete orcun in the series called Children Don't Hear, he took his place in the sector in 2003 as a baby.
Turkish Actors

Mehmet Aslan resimMehmet Aslan

Born in 1983, the young actor Mehmet Aslan is the son of Fahrettin Aslan, known as the King of Casinocular. He completed his education at Yeditepe University.
Turkish Actors

Aybars Kartal ozson resimAybars Kartal ozson

Aybars Kartal Ozson, who was born on May 18, 2008 in Uskudar istanbul, liked a child, the magnificent century, stay between us and you are mine.
Turkish Actors